Profile view of the White Akito Rose
White Avalanche Rose
White Escimo rose
White Polo roses
White Tibet Rose
White Chocolate Rose

Day one of the roses:
Akito measures 2 1/4″ tall & 1 1/2″ wide
Avalanche measures 2 1/2″ tall & 3″ wide
Escimo 2 1/4″ tall & 1 1/2″ wide
Polo 2 1/2″ tall & 2″ wide
Tibet 2 1/4″ tall & 2 1/2″ wide
White Chocolate 3″ tall & 3″ wide
(Mondial and Polar Star added on a day late)

The measurements on day 4:
Polar Star 3″ tall & 3 1/2″ wide
Avalanche 2 3/4″ tall & 3″ wide
Mondial 3″ tall & 5″ wide
White Chocolate 3″ tall & 4 1/2″ wide
Polo 2 1/2″ tall & 3 1/4″ wide
Escimo 2″ tall & 4 1/2″ wide
Akito 2″ tall & 3″ wide
Tibet 2 1/2″ tall & 4 1/2″ wide

How the roses look on day four:
White Rose Varieties Mondial Avalanche Akito Polo Escimo Tibet Polar Star White Chocolate
White Chocolate versus Akito white rose

Akito White Rose
Avalanche White Rose
White Escimo Rose
White Mondial Rose
White Polar Star Rose
White Polo Rose
White Tibet Rose
White Chocolate Rose

Akito – Qualisa
Avalanche – Bella Flor
Escimo – Benchmark Growers – The Queen’s Flowers
Mondial – Eco Roses
Polar Star – Mystic
Polo – Native Blooms
Tibet – Esmeralda Farms
White Chocolate – Royal Flowers Ecuador

If you live near Denver you can find the above roses at these Flower Wholesalers:
Amato’s Florist Wholesale: Akito, Avalanche, Tibet and White Chocolate
Stevens & Son Florist Wholesale: Mondial, Polar Star and Polo

16 Responses

    1. Mondial is looking the best. Akito, Escimo & Tibet are still doing well at 7 days. Polo, Avalance, Polar Star and White Chocolate have now all passed away at day 7. I just wrote a second post about the roses and posted it on FF, a bit more info about the roses 🙂

      1. I’ve used Mondial many times and there is a definitely greenish tint to them that’s not shown in these pictures. I just wanted to forewarn any who may think this is more of a true white or ivory color. This post is very helpful, though. Thank you for sharing this comparison!!

    1. I’ve been a Polo fan for years, such a beautiful shape. Looks like I’ve finally talked one of the wholesalers into carrying it more often – yea!! Nice white color, too.

  1. Just introduced to the Mondial this year by my wholesaler. I love it. Had used the others in some capacity over the years, but was instantly in love with the performance of the Mondial.

  2. I love Mondial! I had a lone rose left over from a memorial and it sat happily on my buffet for 2 weeks! Best performing rose I’ve met!

  3. And can I tell you how much I love these studies and how incrediblely helpful they are!?! Seriously I get giddy every time I see a new post. I’ve been experimenting to see if flower nutrient actually helps and which ones are best. So far I’m a really crappy scientist. :/

    1. Thank you, Chandin! I’m so glad to hear these posts are helping you!!
      This test was my first experience with the Mondial, sure is a fantastic performer!!

      I’m going to try the flower food test one of these days. Debating if I try more than one type of brand?? I’m so curious to see if it makes a difference…

  4. I love white roses, and your polar star rose is most famous for present on happy moments.

  5. There is a rose in my late mom’s yard that has always bloomed large white single blooms in the past years . For some unknown reason this year the blooms are numerous and smaller red flowers. During the severe drought of 2011 I watered &
    cared for the rose by inriching the area with special rose soil. I was inquiring to orhers to see if this is a rare occurance.