Hello Flower Friends!

Happy New Year! Who’s ready to rock 2018?!

I enjoyed 2017 – a handful of weddings with the sweetest brides, lots of floral design classes which I thoroughly enjoyed teaaching, a dahlia garden that bloomed and bloomed this season and the balance of time to enjoy summer visits with family and a fantastic 3 week vacation in Southern Europe. I can only hope 2018 bestows the same amount of enjoyment.
Also, as I shared a few weeks ago, we will be simplifying the posting schedule here on the Flirty Fleurs Blog. Since I shared that information I have felt a heavy weight lifted off me. I’m so excited for the three blog posts I currently have in the works and will be sharing with all of you on the following Mondays.
That’s what I was in search of – to work on special blog posts that have a lot of meaning, inspiration, and information for all of you to read!

My favorite TV show to watch is CBS Sunday Morning as they often share such inspiring stories of people from all walks of life and in particular the creative artist types. My kind of people! This week they interviewed James Franco and he said something that really resonated with me and I feel is a good quote to share with all of you as you embark on a new year –

“If you want to be an artist of any kind.. like people are not going to beg you to do it. You have to want to do it, you have to put in the work, you have to prove it.”

So true – no one is going to beg you to do it, no one else is going to do the work, you have to work for your goals and prove yourself. So set up your goals for 2018 and get to work!


Speaking of getting to work in 2018 — today is the day I launch our new project – @FeteDesFlirtyFleurs over on Instagram! I’m so excited to roll out this new project where I will be sharing the inspiring floral design work of florists from around the world! For a chance to be featured, please add the hashtag #FeteDesFlirtyFleurs to your flower images!


To finish off today’s blog post I am sharing the most popular nine posts of flirty fleurs found on instagram for 2017:
ranunculus, dahlias, peonies, garden roses - on flirty fleurs flower blog