flirty fleurs floral industry blog

If you have been in the floral industry for more than a hot minute, there’s a chance that you’ve been asked to include “extra flowers” at no charge. It can really catch you off guard sometimes and put you on the spot!
Click to watch how I deal with requests for “extras” and scroll down to get a free e-mail template on how to “politely decline” this request:

Here’s the video link, too:

I honestly can’t imagine there’s a florist alive who hasn’t been asked this question and I think this is an important conversation because there are different points of views on whether it’s “pushing too far” or “no big deal” when people ask for free “extra” flowers.

There isn’t one right answer here, but I think there’s a distinction that’s clear:
Like in the example above, when a client has been offered “cake flowers at X price” and they decline to order them, but then they (or their representatives) suggest that “extra flowers” can be used in those areas, that’s a clear overreach.
It’s not like you forgot to offer them to the customer and they were a last-minute thought; they said “no thank you” to paying for this.
It goes back to something I often quote from one of my florist friends: “If it’s not important to them, it’s not important to me.” In other words, if they didn’t think it was important enough to order when it was on the invoice, then it’s not up to me to pay for this “free add on”.

On the other hand, as a florist who sometimes has a few extras and likes to work with other vendors to help them look good/their displays look good/earn some goodwill, etc. I don’t think we have to be unreasonable around giving away some “leftovers”…however, our “extras” aren’t guaranteed.
We can’t promise a client we’ll have enough “leftovers” for the buffet AND cake table because, well, what if we don’t?….and we can’t be sure our “extras” won’t fall under the category of “scraps”. There’s a difference between adding scraps vs. leftovers to the food tables!

And another thing, my leftovers aren’t available until I am completely done with my set-up, whereas cake flowers that have been ordered and paid for are pulled aside prior to delivery and ready to hand over to the baker or catering staff as soon as I arrive.
Florists often have caterers (politely) hounding us for “extras” when we’re not finished setting up and it’s not fun to repeatedly smile nicely and say through your teeth, “I’ll bring whatever I have left to the kitchen as soon as we’re done….” (They’re trying to do their job, too after all!)

Just as it’s a professional courtesy for florists to perhaps share some extras, it’s a professional courtesy to make contact with the caterers so they can order what they need from us and we can all put our best foot forward!

If you’re ever unsure of how to reply to a request for “free extra flowers”, click here to grab a free e-mail template. It’s totally free, no e-mail opt-in required!
xo. -Alison

Alison Ellis
Fresh Event Design, LLC

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