flirty fleurs floral industry blog

3 Day Wedding Intensive Floral Design Workshop

wedding floral design class with flirty fleurs in seattle washington

The Wedding Intensive Floral Design Workshop will take place for 3 Days February 24, 25, & 26, 2023 I am thrilled to share that this February I will be holding the 3 Day Wedding Intensive Workshop! I haven’t been able to teach this workshop since January 2020 and sure have missed it! I have specialized […]

for the love of flowers .. always rose color studies Roses are the most popular cut flower in the world. There are around 150 wild species of roses and a staggering 30,000 cultivated varieties.  We are captivated by roses and have dedicated a page to them – a place to find our rose color studies, […]

New Dahlias Collections from Flirty Fleurs and Longfield Gardens

Ball Dahlias Longfield Gardens Flirty Fleurs

Hello friends! I’m thrilled to share our latest Dahlia Collections with you! This 2022 season there are THIRTEEN collections available. Two of the collections are new this year – Marigot and Cuenca. Cuenca is a color saturated, bold and fun design with all ball dahlias – these will look fabulous growing in your flower garden! […]

Join us for a Compote Styled Floral Centerpiece Class at the Dahlia Barn!

Flirty Fleurs Bella Fiori Floral Design - Peach flowers designed into a compote vessel by Alicia Schwede - Florist in Washington STate

Compote styled arrangements beckon a loose, garden inspired design – and is definitely one of my favorite arrangements to create! If you’ve thought about joining me for a class, but have been held back as many of them are advanced designs well then THIS is the workshop you’ll want to jump in on – a […]

Considering Perceived Value

Flirty Fleurs - Floristry Education - Florist Business

In recent wedding seasons I have noticed an evolution to the creation of floral arrangements, especially of table centerpieces, to be flowers only and no foliage. It is a clean, modern, and fabulous look, no doubt about that! But it does beg the question– are florists charging enough for “flower only” arrangements? For this important […]

How I Made It :: Bamboo Hive Vases

Joseph Massie - English Floral Design - Flower Class

A Floral Design Tutorial by Joseph Massie Photography by Stella Photography The extraordinary sky blue spires of Delphinium demand to be included amongst my absolute favourite blooms – I find few things to be more glorious than an armful of these spectacular stems. Like all flowers they thrive best when arranged directly into water, as […]