flirty fleurs burgundy and pink floral arrangement

Musings of a Florist :: visit flirty fleurs on Tuesdays and read a variety of musings by me – Alicia Schwede, editor of the blog.


I’ll be sharing some thoughts of what I’ve learned, what I would do differently, and what I’m thankful for on this flower filled journey I’ve been on since 1998.





I started teaching about 9 years ago, slowly, out of my studio in Denver. I enjoyed it and knew it would keep us busier during the non-wedding season. With time and the move to Washington state I started to teach quite a bit more and am thankful to say I find it very rewarding. This past weekend I taught 2 group classes, this week I’ve taught 2 private classes, and on Saturday I head to Canada to teach a group class. The end of this month will be a big, special, 3 day workshop with @francoiseweeks and Miles of @fiorifloraldesign – 2 dear friends who I can truly say are two of the best teachers I know! Last night the 3 of us were on a call discussing our big workshop. We asked each other – why do you teach? At that exact moment a previous student and now friend texted me to share a recap of a large wedding she designed the previous weekend with the note “2 years ago you started me on my way! Look at the confidence you gave me!” I read the text to Miles & Françoise and said – that’s why I teach. .
Demo arrangement from a 1:1 private class..