Happy Fleur Friday!

Well, it’s been a good, busy week. Time really does fly by..
It’s Friday morning as I write this and I am sitting here thinking about the day ahead and what should I work on first – the 50 centerpieces that need to be designed? prep for tomorrow’s bouquet workshop? clean my messy desk?? blog more articles for next week? answer emails?
The life of a creative entrepreneur .. I have a feeling everyone reading this is in the same boat?!

On Tuesday I helped my friend, Chandin of Studio 3 Florals, set up an event at the Seattle Art Museum. I love the yellow floral arrangements that Chandin designed – such a great splash of color at this corporate event.
Chandin Studio 3 Floral

On Thursday I visited Seattle Wholesale Growers Market to select flowers for my Bouquet Designing and Pricing Workshop tomorrow. As hard as it is to pick out one favorite flower, I will say these Peaches and Cream Dahlias from Everyday Flower Farm definitely ranks high on my list of favorite flowers! I’ve had a crush on it since last summer. There usually aren’t any available on the floor for sale so I was thrilled to grab this handful!!
Also, my workshop tomorrow will take place at the growers’ market, so I wanted to get in there and think about the layout of the class. The market layout changes a lot each week as the amount of flowers ebb & flow with the season – and right now they have a ton of flowers in!
Peaches and Cream Dahlias

Speaking of the Bridal Bouquet & Pricing Workshop, there are a few spaces left in the class tomorrow if you’d like to join us. I am pleasantly surprised to see how many people did sign up this week considering I just scheduled the class last weekend! Can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow šŸ™‚
Flirty Fleurs Workshop

I guess that’s it for now. I’m still just trying to get back into the swing of things, get organized after being gone most of September. OH! Chad and I have been out buying up tulip bulbs and have more being shipped in — parrot tulips galore!! Can’t wait to get those into the ground. Meanwhile, my dahlia gardens are a wreck after a big rainstorm this week. Spent a few hours yesterday trying to clean them up. Growing flowers is definitely a labor of love!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

One Response

  1. Thanks for the shout out! What a crazy week(s) you have ahead of you! 50 centerpieces?! You go girl!