Flirty Fleurs with Deliverease Packing System for Florists

While designing flowers can be so fun and enjoyable, moving the flowers to their destination can be so stressful! I know I am always looking for a better way to deliver flowers safely to an event venue.
DeliverEase offers a great solution to the delivery of flowers. For a recent wedding I used the Deliver Ease DE200.5 to safely deliver cylinder vase arrangements to the venue. Nine 3″ wide cylinder vases fit into the 9 slots just fine, held them tight and no water sloshed about. Once at the venue it is easy to lift these lightweight carries from the car to the reception space.

Flirty Fleurs with Deliverease Florist Packing System

Another aspect I really appreciate about the DeliverEase system is with the foam holding the vases in place, I do not have to keep extra packing materials (tissue, bubblewrap, etc) stored in the studio. DeliverEase is a cleaner and easier delivery system to keep stored in the studio.

You can see a previous post about DeliverEase I shared here.
You can view the entire catalog of available shapes of DeliverEase on their website.