Why no one’s reading your blog and it doesn’t matter by Alison Ellis

Social media. Ugh. Am I right? Or am I right? I blog, therefore I am. If you have a design business and a website with a blog and a Facebook page you understand the ongoing pressure to not only create beautiful work, but write beautifully about it. Quite frankly, it’s exhausting. And it’s a lot […]

Determining the value of you by Alison Ellis

Today we are sharing a guest post written by our friend, Alison Ellis, of Floral Artistry in Vermont. Thank you, Alison! Determining the value of you. How do you determine your value? As a designer, a business owner, a consultant to your client? As a boss, a friend, an individual? As creative business owners we […]

20+ Years in the Industry; Interview with Holly Chapple

How many years have you been a floral designer? I am starting my 21st year in business. Many floral designers experience burn-out around the ten-twelve year mark, did you have a time in your career where you faced burn-out? Yes, but I didn’t realize I was suffering from burn out until my world changed. It […]

Good Monday Morning!

Posted October 25, 2010 By the time you read this I will be somewhere in Peru. It’s the end of season and we needed a break, time to see something different, time to breathe, time to rejuvenate. More on the importance of vacations & staycations in a future blog post… Meanwhile, Andrea is very busy […]

“As the world goes, so goes the floral industry”

Today’s very insightful installation comes to us from David Dahlson of Mayesh Wholesale. I spoke with David and asked him many questions about how this industry has changed and where is it going. He responded with an amazing write-up that is full of information. “As the world goes, so goes the floral industry”, and this […]