Have you ever been asked to give a stem count to a customer?

From time to time florists encounter potential customers who request a stem count for a bridal bouquet or centerpiece. This is a question that can put you “on the spot” and also leads to florists giving away a recipe (aka your work & expertise!) without a contract or commitment from the customer.
What if you take the time to create recipe and the customer doesn’t book with you? In my experience most of the time when a customer requests a stem count they’re more likely to be price shopping than a serious prospect.
Today’s video is about why you don’t have give a stem count and in fact, why I think all florists should “just say no” to stem counts.
If you’ve ever said “no” to a stem count (or wanted to say no!), then today’s video is for you. Click to watch and leave a comment on this post or on my video on YouTube if you have any experience with requests for stem counts.
How do you handle this request?

If you enjoyed today’s video check out my FREE course, Flower Boss, at freshevents.floralartvt.com

Contact Information:
Alison Ellis
Floral Artistry

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