Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Ella Effie Eugenie David Austin Garden Roses - Alexandra Farms

David Austin has added 3 new varieties of garden roses to their cut rose collection, they became available in the Spring of 2019. Alexandra Roses grew the beautiful roses seen here and shared them with us so we can share them with you!

Effie is a beautiful buttery yellow with a hint of apricot, super posh petals on each bloom.
Ella is a stunningly shaped crisp white garden rose, a very round bloom which has a very long vase life.
Eugenie is a super romantic, ruffled perfect blush garden rose.

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Ella Effie Eugenia David Austin Garden Rose - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - David Austin Effie - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Effie Garden Rose by David Austin - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Eugenie David Austin Garden Roses - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - David Austin Eugenie Garden Rose - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Ella David Austin Garden Rose - Alexandra Farms

Flirty Fleurs Rose Study - Ella David Austin Garden Rose - Alexandra Farms White Rose

David Austin Garden Roses grown by Alexandra Farms
Click on the image to watch a video featuring the three new varieties of David Austin Garden Roses, grown by Alexandra Farms.

David Austin Garden Roses - Ella Effie and Eugenie