Fiori Flower Shop in Burlingame, California
Fiori Flower Shop

Musings of a Florist :: visit flirty fleurs on Tuesdays and read a variety of musings by me – Alicia Schwede, editor of the blog.


I’ll be sharing some thoughts of what I’ve learned, what I would do differently, and what I’m thankful for on this flower filled journey I’ve been on since 1998.


Never Forget
Today I popped by Fiori flower shop in Burlingame, California. My winding journey in the flower biz landed here for some time back around 2000-2001. I can’t remember how long exactly anymore, but I do remember it being an important part of my journey. When I quit my job at the software company I had about 30 weddings on the calendar that season, but I wanted to be busier and I wanted to be surrounded by flowers all the time, I was thirsty for knowledge, and I wanted to be around people – so I worked at Fiori part time. 15-20 hours a week and it really was a great decision. I was honest from the get-go and let them know I had my own weddings booked and would keep my business separate. When I was at the shop I was on their time! I learned so much and I got to design consistently, most importantly I learned about pricing and markups!
I never want to forget those early experiences, those people who helped me along the way, the people who were willing to teach me, and give a push when needed.
Always remember to give credit where credit is due.