Musings of a Florist :: visit flirty fleurs on Tuesdays and read a variety of musings by me – Alicia Schwede, editor of the blog.


I’ll be sharing some thoughts of what I’ve learned, what I would do differently, and what I’m thankful for on this flower filled journey I’ve been on since 1998.



Save for the future
Another discussion I often have with my peers is about the future and about retirement. We often wonder how many floral designer small business owners have taken steps to start a retirement fund?… we have a feeling far too many people put it off, ‘I’ll do that next year…’ and then the years fly by. You are never too young to start a retirement fund! (Talk to a financial planner on what kind of retirement fund works best for you and your family)
If this is something you’ve been putting off – I challenge you to tackle this important chore by the end of this year. .
And that’s all I have for you all today.. been up since 4 am and am going on hour 16 of non-stop moving — ‘‘‘tis the life of a small business owner. 😉