floral design for weddings and events in washington state by bella fiori

Musings of a Florist :: visit flirty fleurs on Tuesdays and read a variety of musings by me – Alicia Schwede, editor of the blog.


I’ll be sharing some thoughts of what I’ve learned, what I would do differently, and what I’m thankful for on this flower filled journey I’ve been on since 1998.


Positive Thoughts
I have an exercise that I try to do on a daily basis which is to think of 5 things I’m thankful for… and these 5 things can really range, some are the most simplest things that are often taken for granted. Like – I’m thankful I have hot running water for showers, when I’m sitting in painful Seattle traffic I remind myself to be thankful that I have a car, I am thankful that I can have a career with flowers – because it truly is a luxury job.
So what I’m thankful for can really range – sure I often think of flowery bits I’m happy about, but it’s being thankful for the things many of us take for granted on a daily basis that needs to be appreciated more. The exercise also helps as it is so easy to get caught up in social media, seeing all the wonderful things others are doing and wanting more, more, more.
If your having a frustrating day give this exercise a try – and say what you are thankful for OUT LOUD! Also, a good exercise on happy days, it’ll feel like a song coming out of you 😊