The quickest way to make more money in your floral business is to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t love. There is always going to be some aspect of running our business that we don’t love…some things we simply MUST do (either because it’s the law or because someone has to wash buckets!), but I’m pushing for a “more love, less ugh” direction.

Make More Money Doing What You Love
Do you know what aspects of your business make the most money? Is it weddings? Funerals? Walk-ins? Standing order with corporate clients? Is it split across 3 or 4 categories?

Whatever it is I hope you enjoy it because it’s where you should be focusing most of your energy and resources. Grow the parts of your business that already make you money and create work that you love, or like, or at the very least don’t mind so much. When you recognize the things your business is good at you can increase your sales and your happy factor at the same time with minimal effort.

Here’s your challenge: Identify the things that are dragging you down either financially or resource-wise or simply drain your spirit.

Is that inventory of ceramic “get well” soup bowls weighing on you? Is your attempt to display “one bucket of every possible flower” wearing you thin when it comes time to place an order with your supplier? Are you stuck in a rut doing things “the way you’ve always done them” just because…well, let’s be honest, you’re not sure why you do it that way in the first place?

Here are some more practical examples…
If you sell plants, but have a hard time selling them or keeping them alive STOP selling plants.

Worried about losing a sale? If someone calls to order a plant offer them a beautiful arrangement instead and tell them why it’s the perfect choice…Sunflowers just arrived fresh this morning; We have some beautiful two-toned roses that are very unique and open beautifully; Does the recipient love purple? We have some beautiful irises, delphinium and purple hydrangea that she will love. And honestly, she will love it. Certainly more than a dish garden.

If your wire-service is sucking the life out of you, then STOP it already. People can find you through this new thing called Google. All the kids are doing it.

If you want to sell more unique/exotic flowers, just start buying them and put them in your arrangements. Heck, make all orchid pieces and price them appropriately and see what happens. If you make it, they will come.

Concentrate your efforts on what makes your business unique and what makes money; forget about the stuff that you think you have to do just because…um, do you even know anymore?

Leave a comment below about what you LOVE about your floral business!…And…What’s dragging you down that you want to stop doing?


orange and purple bridal bouquet

Contact information for Alison Ellis:
Floral Artistry by Alison Ellis
Thank you, Alison, for this helpful article!

One Response

  1. I do not own my own business,but work for people who are dear friends. We are connected to 3 plus wire services. We just got through Mother’s Day. So you can imagine my frustration, with the low price high expectations orders we receive. We now have brides who come to us asking for the $46. Arrangement, Transformed into a bridal bouquet for the same price. Now my dilemma is do I go look for a job that I love at a well run wire free shop, or stay working in an environment with people whom I love, Who are not able to change the way we do business ?