Your Name: arlene boyle
Your Business Name: violetta
Your Location: greater san francisco bay area,from napa to carmel
How did you start your business:
I started my business by doing flowers in restaurants and doing friends weddings. I found I loved it and loved finally using my fine arts degree.
What is your design aesthetic:
I like to use lush textural designs with big color, I also like to add one dash of the unexpected, I want people to linger and take it in.
What inspires you?
I am extremely inspired by the colors of my world. While walking at the beach I am soothed by the greys and the blues. I am amazed at the colors of birds and tropical fish, how can nature produce such vivid color in such dazzlement. I love music and find it stimulating and can easily visualize it’s moods. Architecture also inspires me, there is so much here in san francisco, it just makes me soar.
What are the trends, flowers & colors that are unique to your region?
In this region I am seeing a lot of feathers, crystals and adornment, I am seeing a lot of women wearing hats again, especially wispy feathers. Purple and black, purple and lavender and fuschia seem to be the colors of the season. The other trend is lounge seating, everyone wants to have a lounge atmosphere for dancing after dinner.
Are you a retail shop, studio/warehouse or home based?
I work in a studio/wharehouse set up with two other floral designers, we feed off of each other, help each other and always have an electric spirit buzzing in our space!
Do you offer any services in addition to floral designs?
In addition to floral design, I also provide, linens, props, furniture, lighting, all elements crucial to the overall look.
What does your toolbox look like?
My toolbox is always overflowing and messy, it is my hopechest.
What tool in your toolbox can’t you live without?
I can’t live without my worn clippers.
What’s your favorite flower(s)?
My favorite flower? orange poppies, white anenomes, gloriosa lilies, peach ranunculus, peonies, lilies of the valley love em.
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