10 images of gorgeous floral design work by Janet of Floral Verde

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - purple and white bridal bouquet

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - Rose bridal bouquet

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - vibrant peach, purple and burgundy floral centerpiece

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - white bridal bouquet with spirea, peonies, astilbe, and sweepteas

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - wood box filled with vibrant florals

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - blush pink and cream bridal bouquet

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - Mercury Glass Compote with a white and green floral centerpiece

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - cream and pink flower centerpiece with lupines

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist - bouquet with succulents, roses, and clematis

Floral Verde LLC - Cincinnati Florist -  floral centerpiece with a candle hurricane