How to be the most valuable floral designer at your company by Alison Ellis

Can a single rose really derail your business? When you look at the numbers, the answer is definitely, yes. In fact, when you hear the case I’m about to present you might want to sit down. My inspiration when I made today’s video was “How to be the most valuable floral designer at your company”. […]

Have you ever been asked to give a stem count to a customer? by Alison Ellis

Have you ever been asked to give a stem count to a customer? From time to time florists encounter potential customers who request a stem count for a bridal bouquet or centerpiece. This is a question that can put you “on the spot” and also leads to florists giving away a recipe (aka your work […]

Where do I find brides? by Alison Ellis

In today’s Q&A video I answer a question from a subscriber: “Where do I find brides?” The truth is that engaged couples are everywhere, but you need a strategy to find the right customers for your business. Click to watch today’s video! Thanks for tuning in! Check out Floral Artistry Courses here: Read all […]

Can you be professional without a storefront? by Alison Ellis

In March I invited my subscribers to a live Q&A on Periscope. I answered about 20 questions over the course of 90 minutes, but I did not get to answer every one, so I created a few quick videos to address more of your burning questions. I received the question: Can you be professional without […]

Should you charge less if you work from home? by Alison Ellis

Last month I invited my subscribers to a live Q&A on Periscope. I answered about 20 questions, but I did not get to answer every one, so I created 3 quick videos to address more of these burning questions. I received the question: Should I charge less if I work from home? Here’s my answer! […]

Pricing Mistakes Florists Make by Alison Ellis, Part 4 of 4

For the past 3 weeks I’ve shared some major pricing mistakes florists make. The good news is that each of these mistakes can be easily corrected! I’ll recap the first 3 mistakes in case you missed them…#1. You’ll no longer feel the pressure to quote on the spot. #2. You’re going to aim higher than […]