flirty fleurs floral industry blog

Unlocking Your Business Potential: A Guide to Creating Vision Boards for Business Ideas

creating a vision board to work towards your entreprenial success

Embarking on a journey of entrepreneurship requires not only strategic planning but also a clear vision of your goals and aspirations. One powerful and creative tool to shape your entrepreneurial vision is the use of vision boards. Let’s explore the art of creating vision boards specifically tailored for nurturing and developing your business ideas. 1. […]

Blossoming Success: Strategies for Florists to Book More Weddings

Fleur Formulas red peonies and golden mustard roses

As we enter the new year, many of us have the same thought percolating in our minds — how to build our wedding focused floral businesses. For florists, weddings are not just events; they are opportunities to weave dreams into reality, turning couples’ visions into stunning floral landscapes. However, in a competitive industry, securing more […]

Blooms of Elegance: Enhancing Floral Arrangements with Cut Poinsettia Stems

flirty fleurs poinsettia, tulip and carnation floral arrangement

As the holiday season is in full swing, floral arrangements take center stage in our homes and events. While many may associate poinsettias solely with festive plants, their vibrant red, pinks, salmon and green hues make them a versatile and stunning addition to floral compositions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the creative and elegant […]

Visiting Puscina Flowers Farm in Tuscany, Italy

floral designer retreat in Tuscany Italy at Puscina flower farm

May of 2022 and May of 2023 we had the joy and privilege of visiting Puscina Flowers Farm as part of our Italian floral retreat. An absolute pinnacle of our floral retreat in Italy is the day we spend at the @PuscinaFlowers farm. Perched atop a hill in Tuscany with beautiful sweeping views of the […]

Floral Retreat in Tuscany, Italy

Floral Designer Workshop Retreat in Tuscany Italy with Alicia Schwede of Flirty Fleurs

Tulips on Display at Puscina Flower Farm Immersed in the beauty of flowers and the incomparable Italian Countryside .. that’s exactly how it goes at the “FIORI DELLA TOSCANA with Alicia Schwede”  May of 2023 I had the pleasure of teaching floral design to a group of 12 delightful ladies who traveled to Italy from across […]

Floral Art for Snohomish Art Showcase

Ioana Diaconu Floral Dress - Botanical dress for a woodland fairy

Fleurs Creative Studio participated in the 2023 Snohomish Art Showcase. Fleurs Creative aspires to support and inspire floral designers while simultaneously sharing flowers as an art form with the public. On display at this public event were the works of six local floral design artists. We are pleased to share them with you here, along […]