Posted November 3, 2010

As many of you know I’ve just returned from an almost three week long vacation. When I returned one of the first people I called was Andrea. I wanted to hear all about the Sean Low Creative Symposium and about everything else that has happened in Denver while I was away.
We got to talking about some of the inspiration she gained while at the symposium. She suggested I start keeping a journal about anything and everything that comes to mind about my business – Pricing, marketing, what I want to be doing, clients, customer service, goals for 2011, etc.
I thought to myself that this should be fun. I used to keep a diary/journal as a youngster, teenager and well into my 20s. For some reason I quit about 5 years ago. No particular reason why. Perhaps Blogging filled this void.
Today I decided to journal once more… I stopped at a store and bought a nice & new journal and some colored pens.

My mind is pretty clear from having taken a vacation, I’m recovering well from an intensely busy wedding season. Seems like the perfect time to start this journal, to set goals for 2011.
And so I will start writing 10-20 minutes every day. Will be interesting what see what pours out onto the papers…

One Response

  1. I realize I’m commenting on an old post, but i just discovered your site now- love it! Awesome idea and great content. I recently read another blog post about creative types and motivation and their suggestion was to keep a creativity journal for your business if your field is like ours. The reasoning being that we are artistic types that think best with our right brain, but the business side of things sometimes suffers because of that. If you allow yourself to tackle business type problems using your artistic skills (drawing pictures of your ultimate store display, cartooning your target customer, that sort of thing) you give your strengths the chance to solve some more typically “logic” based issues. I think I found the idea through the site. If I can backtrack my thoughts to it I’ll let you know!

    thanks again for such a great site- I’m going to be a daily reader from now on!

    jess, Periwinkle Flowers Toronto Canada