flirty fleurs floral industry blog

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m sure many of us have the same tradition of saying what we are thankful for today. I thought for a few minutes, what am I thankful for as far as business has gone in 2010. Here are a few things: I’m thankful for Flirty Fleurs, an idea that came to me one day – […]

Tales from the Trenches :: Bella Fiori’s top 4 moments..

Andrea & I were brainstorming topics for Flirty Fleurs and both of us started giggling at the idea of “Tales From The Trenches”. We’ve all had those moments, when the most unexpected happens. I think us floral designers are handy people and can think quickly on our feet. I thought I’d kick off this topic […]

Fabulous Florists :: Bella Fiori, Seattle, Washington

Your name: Alicia Schwede Your Business name: Bella Fiori Your Location: Seattle, Washington How did you start your business? I started Bella Fiori in March 2003. I had only lived in Colorado for about one year & barely knew a soul in Colorado! I rented a small studio unit next door to Lifestyles Catering in […]